Norstar Admin programming mode

Re-post from my Blog.  I put it here to make it easier to find.

This is to enter "Administrative" programming.  Installer (aka: Configuration) programming is a different set of instructions.

This process is best done from a 7310, 7316, or 7324 model phone.  They look as so:

It's best if you can use a phone at a location that not the main answering position. The reason for this is that once we enter programming, you will not be able to answer the phone. Unfortunately, at some locations (smaller business), the only 7310 or 7324 is the operator's phone. In that case, do the programming early in the morning or wait until closing time.

Before you can enter programming mode, the phone must be idle - you cannot be on a call, nor can you have calls holding on that phone.

To enter the Administrative programming mode you press these buttons:

FEATURE, * * 23646

you'll be prompted with PASSWORD:

enter 23646

If the screen changes, you're in. If the PASSWORD: prompt just stays there, it means the default administrative password has been changed.

To Exit the programming mode and anytime, just press the little red (orange) Rls button.

Now, if your password didn't work. Here's some suggestions on how to get it.